Sunday, October 13, 2013

Healthy Rasta

Rastas are healthy. They take care of themselves. It's just simply part of it. Honoring Jah's gift to you. Your body. In order to serve and spread the love of Jah Rastafari, you must be healthy. Eat healthy, move, and think positive thoughts. Healthy mind & body. 

One Love, One Heart, Jah Rastafari!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Study, The Kebra Nagast, The Bible

Studying is very important. For me studying allows me to get closer in my own personal relationship with Jah. I read The Kebra Nagast often. Getting a different and deeper understanding with the turn of every page. The Bible is essential in a Rasta's journey as well. These two books accompany each other and create the most powerful tool a Rasta can own. Knowledge!

Other books worth readying coming soon. I will give you a list of books I have read on my journey and let you know what I think. Look for that this weekend.

One Love, One Heart, Jah Rastafari

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rasta Colors

The colors of the Ethiopian flag are Red, Yellow, Green. You can find this flag flipped having red sometimes on top and green sometimes on top. Below are a few I found.

Red stands for the bloodshed of the African people.
Yellow stands for the sunshine that falls on the African land.
Green stands for the land of the African continent.

It represents Love, Victory, Divinity, Royalty, His Imperial Majesty Jah, Spirituality. You will see the Ethiopian flag linked Rastas worldwide.


Saturday is reverenced as the Sabbath for Rastas. I have a ritual of devotion Jah.

I fast from sun up to sunset. During this time I study, pray, practice yoga, and meditate. Alone time is important for Rastas to meditate. I normally spend the first part of my Saturday teaching a yoga class until 9am and then I spend time alone or clean until normally about 2pm. Then I join my family and have lots of love and family time. About an hour before sunset I start cooking an ital meal for my family. During that time I listen to reggae and fill my heart with love from Jah to bless the meal.

That is my ritual. You can create your own. As I grow this may change, but currently this is what I do.

Who is H.I.M?

Books and Internet tell you all about Haile Selassie I being a great man. He was the king of Ethiopia, the only country to be free of foreign influence. It is also written as to why we Rastafari have such a deep admiration for him. He is a direct descendent of King Solomon and Makeda the Queen of Sheba. He is the King of Kings. You can go on Amazon and find so many different books and speeches to enlighten on H.I.M. Below are a few quotes from His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.

An awareness of our past is essential to the establishment of our personality and our identity as Africans.

Do not worship me, I am not God. I'm only a man. I worship Jesus Christ.

Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgments.

Peace is not an 'is,' it is a 'becoming.'

It is important as a Rasta you study on your own. Otherwise how do you know it to be true? Anyone can tell you anything, but if you find the facts yourself and see it yourself. Then you know it’s true and you can hold it true to your heart and your spiritual path.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Win with Rasta

If them want win the revolution, them must win it with Rasta. You can't win no other way. Because if you win other way, you go fight again. Win with Rasta and there no more war. ~Bob Marley

I humbly quote this it may not be word for word, but this is what I received from what he was saying. People say that Bob Marley was a prophet. Prophet being defined as a person regarded as a inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of Jah. I agree. Every Sabbath I play a viability of uplifting songs that have such a wonderful vibration by Bob Marley. I have others in my playlist, but there is something about his music. As a matter of fact the entire Marley family have such wonderful vibrations in their music you can tell it is blessed by Jah and reverence is given to Haile Selassie I.

I really love that quote. Not much I can write on it. It stands strongly alone.

One Love, Jah Rastafari

Monday, September 16, 2013

Misconceptions Revealed

Quite a few misconceptions are associated with Rasta. I have learned when it comes to lack of knowledge with anything and especially spirituality one believes what they want no matter what else you hear. Below are just a few myths revealed in regards to Rastafari as I have learned and have taken as my truth.

All Rastas have dreadlocks. 
Not at all. I initially started my locs because I didn't like doing my hair, it was different and a natural way out from the braids I would get with human hair, done by the African women. (Nashville & Atlanta readers know the African women hook you up) Little did I know that it was going to to be significant to my spiritual journey. You can not have any hair at all and still be Rasta. 

All Rastas smoke herb.
Not at all. This is an option. Rastas smoke herb for meditation and relaxation. There are alternatives for implementing these states. I practice Yoga to induce my meditation and relaxation, some Rastas smoke herb. Your choice. 

Rastas don't believe in God.
I believe in the MOST HIGH Jah. You may call him God, or Jehovah, I call him Jah. I think this one gets me the most. All my blessings come from Jah, I am because of Jah. When people say because I am Rasta I don't believe, even though its from lack of knowledge, it makes me feel some type of way. 

I offer only the truest knowledge from heart to encourage understanding.

Jah Love, One Heart, Rastafari.

My Rasta

I discovered the truth when first attempted locs. I was looking for information on starting my locs, care, and such. I came across Rasta. I remember then 12 years ago just being fascinated with the information. Relating to a spiritual figure was a very different feeling, especially being a twice baptized Christian from Clarksville, TN. I really didn't have the means at that time to keep up with studying, I had a new baby and I was young. No excuse of course it wasn't my time, but Rasta was in my heart.  Six years later after a previous failed attempt (I never let the first set lock),  I attempted locs again. During my research I came across more information on Rasta.  At the time I had so much going on in my life, my Grandmother had passed.  I didn't do any studying beyond those few days I spent at the computer researching about my hair.  I didn't know anything but Rastafari, except the Bob Marley I had begin to have heavily rotated in my playlist, but again Rasta stayed in my heart.

Fast forward 7 years to today . I am learning. Over the past 18 months I have been engaged completely in knowing more about being Rastafari. I am Rastafari. I was born Rastafari. I am learning more and more about the truth and have created this blog to share with those who are on this spiritual path with me. Each one teach one.

As a Rasta my mission is unity, peace, and love. Sounds cliche but it is that simple. I openly receive the love and guidance of Jah and share the knowledge I receive. Jah Love, One Heart, Rastafari.