
**Coming Soon**
Rasta Spiritual Cleanse 8 Days. Currently in design. Will include quotes from His Imperial Majesity Haile Selassie I Jah Rastafari, Bob Marley, Marcus Garvey, and from the Kebra Nagast. Information on different aspects of the Rasta Livety will be provided. Along with recipes and daily meal options and of course 5-10min Yoga flows. Rastas are healthy and they move. Bob Marly played soccer remember. :) Stay tuned. Coming real soon.

Being healthy is a very important element of embracing Rasta. Ital describes a natural state, whole unprocessed foods. Prepare your food with the love of Jah Ras Tafari in your heart and it will be abundant and nutritious with every bite. If you have any recipes that you would like to share please send them to for posting.


1. Cut Spaghetti Squash in half place in the oven on 350 for 45mins-1hr

2. To make the sauce you will use a non stick pan. Wash your cherry tomatoes and put them in the pan. You can use any natural oil you like and also 1/2 cup of water. Cover the pan. Chop up Onion, mushrooms, parsley twigs and basil, as you notice the cherries popping and a juice beginning to form put your veggies in the as well. Stir and watch carefully.

3. Once Spaghetti Squash is done use a fork to strip the inside of the squash. You will notice the spaghetti like strands.

4. Mix squash and sauce.

5. Enjoy.

Check out these refreshing foods. Good anytime you need hydrating. Water is always best. But these are good in addition to.

Rastas love tea. Well that is a stereotype. But most I have met do. Herbs are so relaxing and when brewed and made into tea they are amazing. These are the teas I currently have in my cabinet. As you will read or may have read in the post Sabbath. Drinking tea is an essential part of my ritual. I drink tea to kick sweet cravings as well, particularly teas with cinnamon in them. The only thing I add to my tea cup is either honey, lemon, or cinnamon. Maybe one maybe all three depending on the flavor of the tea. I don't over power the cinnamon that is already in a tea with more cinnamon. And I don't make it too sweet with honey. You get your own tea groove. Tea is great to have after dinner as a soothing way to end your day and rest your mind

Soothing tea recipe:

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